Every calling is great, if greatly pursued. This campaign showcases LinkedIn members from a wide array of careers who are united by their passion and drive to pursue greatness.
This campaign was released at the same time as the 2016 Olympic games. The intent was to show that pursuing careers greatly is not the exclusive domain of world class athletes & Olympians, but can be found in every professional pursuit.
Role | Design and retouching.
Target Audience | Ambitious working professionals.
San Francisco office campaign mural
Tyrone Jacobs Jr. was, in many ways, the inspiration for this whole campaign. He gained popularity on LinkedIn over a heartfelt post about defying statistics. Due to his upbringing, there was a high probability of Tyrone either being dead or in prison by age 25. Instead, he had landed himself a prestigious internship at Boeing in their electromagnetic effects department. When I was asked to create a series of large format wall murals for our Bay Area offices, showcasing Tyrone felt like the right thing to do.
This email was an attempt to turn the campaigns themes of purpose, ambition, and drive into actionable tasks on the LinkedIn platform. Each email used LinkedIn data to pull in custom imagery and statistics to make for a more personal experience.